
光 学 标 记 阅 读 器的英文

  • optical memories
  • :    light; ray
  • :    study; learn
  • :    Rockwell A scale
  • :    remember; bear in mind; comm ...
  • :    read; go over
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        :    light; ray
        :    study; learn
        :    Rockwell A scale
        :    remember; bear in mind; comm ...
        :    read; go over
        :    read aloud
        :    implement; utensil; ware
        光 学 标 记 识 别:    optical memory card
        胶 卷 阅 读 机:    rollfilm reader
        缩 微 胶 片 阅 读 机:    microfiche reader
        光 学 储 存 设 备:    optical wand
        光 学 字 符 识 别:    optical data links
        :    动词1.(看) read; go over 阅报 read newspapers; 阅卷 go over examination papers2.(检阅) review; inspect 阅兵 review troops3.(经历; 经过) experience; pass through 试行已阅三月。 three months have passed since we started to try this out
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(把印象保持在脑子里) remember; bear in mind; commit to memory 记不清 cannot recall exactly; remember only vaguely; 记错了 remember wrongly; 死记硬背 learn by rote; 我将牢记你的忠告。 i'll bear your advice in mind. 我们要记住这个教训。 we must keep this lesson in mind.2.(记录; 记载;登记) write [jot, take] down; record 把结果记下来 record the results; 记笔记 take notes; 记日记 keep a diary; 记下地址 write down the address; 记下电话号码 jot down the telephone number; 记在笔记本上 write it down in a notebookⅡ名词1.(记载、描写事物的书或文章) notes; record 大事记 a chronicle of events; 游记 travel notes2.(标志; 符号) mark; sign 暗记儿 secret mark3.(皮肤上生下来就有的深色的斑) birthmark 他左腿有块记。 there is a birthmark on his left leg.Ⅲ量词[方言] (用于动作的次数) slap 一记耳光 a slap in the face
        :    Ⅰ名词1.[书面语] (树梢) treetop; the tip of a tree2.(枝节或表面) symptom; outside appearance; outward sign 治标不如治本 cure the disease rather than the symptoms3.(表识; 记号) label; mark; sign 路标 road signal [sign]; 浮标 buoy or other marking at sea; 商标 trade mark; 音标 phonetic symbol4.(奖品) award; prize; trophy 锦标 the banner; 夺标 win the championship; compete for the first prize5.(竞争厂商标出的价格) bid; public commercial bidding; tender 招标 invite public bidding [tenders]; 投标 put in [make] a tender6.(清末陆军编制之一) regiment in the qing dynastyⅡ动词(用文字或他物表明) mark; label 标上号码 put a number on; 句末标上问号 put a question mark at the end of the sentence; 标上价码 mark a price; 标界 demarcate a boundary; 商品都标了价格。 every article has a price tag on it
        :    读名词(语句中的停顿) a slight pause in reading
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(学习) study; learn 学当医生 study for the medical profession; 学得又快又好 learn fast and well; 学开机器 learn to operate a machine; 学文化 acquire an elementary education; learn to read and write; 学外语 learn [study] a foreign language; 学先进 emulate the advanced; 活到老, 学到老。 keep on learning as long as you live. 你的功课学会了吗? have you learned your lessons? 你可以自学。 you can study by yourself. 他从几位画师学画。 he studied painting under several masters. 她将很快学会讲英语。 she will soon learn to speak english.2.(模仿) imitate; mimic 学鸡叫 mimic the crowing of a cock; 你应该学他的优点, 而不应学他的缺点。 you should copy his good points, not his weak points. 鹦鹉能学人的声音。 a parrot can mimic a person's voice. 这小男孩学他父亲走路的样子。 the little boy imitates his father's way of walking.Ⅱ名词1.(学问) learning; knowledge 博学多才 broad in learning and many-sided in abilities; 不学无术 have neither learning nor skill; 才疏学浅 have little talent and less learning2.(学科) subject of study; branch of learning 数学 mathematics; 天文学 astronomy; 文学 literature; 政治经济学 political economy3.(学校) school; college 大学 college; university; 上学 go to school; 小[中国] 学 primary [middle] school4.(姓氏) a surname 学仲 xue zhong
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(照耀在物体上、使人能看见物体的一种物质) light; ray 月光 moonlight; 日光 sunlight; sunshine; 爱克斯光 x-ray2.(景物) scenery 风光 scene; view; sight; 春光明媚 a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring3.(光彩; 荣誉) honour; glory; lustre 为国争光 win honour for one's country; 给晚会增光 shed lustre on [add lustre to] the evening party4.(明亮; 生辉) brightness 双目有光 bright-eyed5.(恩惠) favour; grace 沾光 benefit from association with sb.; 借光 excuse me6.[书面语] (时光) time7.[书面语] (特指日、 月、星辰等天体) celestial body8.(姓氏) a surname 光逸 guang yiⅡ动词1.(光大) glorify; recover; regain 光前裕后 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity; 光耀门楣[庭] bring honour to the family name2.(露在外面) bare; be naked 光着头 be bareheaded; 他光着上身。 he was naked to the waist.3.[书面语] (照耀) shineⅢ形容词1.(光滑; 光溜) smooth; glossy 刮垢磨光 make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing; 这纸不太光。 this paper is not smooth enough.2.(露着的) naked; nude; bare 光脚 barefooted; 光脊梁 barebacked3.(一点不剩) used up; with nothing left 两星期过去, 他们的钱用光了。 two weeks passed. they ran out of money. 他把整块蛋糕都吃光了。 he has eaten up the whole cake. 我们贮存的火柴用光了。 our stock of matches is used up.4.[敬] (表示光荣) glorious; gracious 承蒙光临。 it was gracious of you to come.5.(明亮的) brightⅣ副词(只; 单) only; alone; merely 不要光凭热情去工作。 don't work by enthusiasm alone. 光有好的意愿还不够。 good intention alone is not enough. 她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。 she eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat
        :    名词1.(器具) implement; utensil; ware 瓷器 chinaware; china; porcelain; 漆器 lacquerware; 玉器 jade article; 乐器 musical instrument; 木器 wooden articles; 拾音器 pickup; adapter2.(器官) organ 生殖器 reproductive [generative] organs; genitals; 脏器 internal organs of the body; viscera3.(度量; 才能) capacity; talent 器识 capability and judg(e)ment; 器使 give sb. employment according to his ability4.(姓氏) a surname 器达 qi da
        印 记:    kiss the rain
        美 标:    american standard
        读,阅读:    peruse
        读,看:    read--reads
        读;朗读:    read
        跟……读:    read after


  1. "光 - 少理阿爸"英文
  2. "光 的 新专辑"英文
  3. "光 碟 机"英文
  4. "光 声学显微镜"英文
  5. "光 学 标 记 识 别"英文
  6. "光 学 储 存 设 备"英文
  7. "光 学 字 符 识 别"英文
  8. "光 之 龙"英文
  9. "光(电)缆护套"英文
  10. "光(塔用)"英文


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